PaperUp is an online service developed to create tables of any purpose: organising sport events, electronic queues and a variety of time schedules. Each room contains a table with its unique name which can be any schedule with a time column or simple information strings.

Unlike any other table editors and constructors, PaperUp has an integrated mechanism of string update. It keeps information in users’ and guests’ focus depending on current time and date. It’s useful for such cases as timetables or sport events’ schedules.

PaperUp was originally developed to translate information both via public screens and mobile devices. Thanks to that, service is well optimized, it doesn’t consume much resources and is comfortable in using even with the smallest devices.

Once user is registered a room editor becomes available. Room is a page where created tables are located. Room editor allows to create tables, customize them, set an appropriate string update mode and also input photo or video as elements of notification or advertisement. Each room has its own unique number used for connection. Rooms are available by direct link or by name which can be set while creating the table.

We respect our users’ privacy. We consider that it’s up to users to provide access to their rooms. That’s the reason why we do not publish a full list of existing rooms. Some of actual demo rooms are available on our info page ☞

© Lara Prakht